Bp MyScience


Bp MyScience is an interactive educational program for school children to inculcate the fun and creative way of learning science , mathematics and environment .

1-Comprised many modules on topics related to science, maths and the environment, particularly on climate change.

2-Schools and students assessing the social, environmental and economic impact of its carbon footprint.

3-Provides a flexible way to teach students about carbon emissions, impacts, choices for reduction and alternative energy supplies.

4-Promote energy reduction and adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

5-Already available resources replicating from the success of UK program.


* To benefit the comunity where BP operates through education
* To inculcate the fun and creative way of learning sciene ,mathematics and invironment
* Instill interest among students to study and take up career in science
* Create awareness among students on the importance of science and technology in their daily   life
* Enthusiast teachers and students about the subjects of Science , Maths and Enterprise
* Increase local understanding of BP


Sembang Science

Science based talk sessions at school by public figures from govt. bodies, Science Centre, NGOs, celebrities, BP specialists, etc to promote science awareness to students.

Carbon Challenge

Climate change awareness and action plans proposal to promote energy optimization efforts to help reduce operating cost and promote environmentally friendlier lifestyle.

Schools Link

Connecting BP Educational Services science modules into science clubs programs and activities into participanting schools.

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